Sunday, July 12, 2009

My First Days in Tainan and Chi-Mei Medical Center.

Chi - Mei MedicaL Center

Doctor Julie and I at the ICDF in Taipei

Ricardo Taylor Ellis MD.
Regional director of health
Nicaragua South Atlantic Autonomous Region

Ofter many long hours and days traveling I reach to the city of Tainan to attend a health care medical training program sponsor by the ICDF Taiwan International Cooperation and

My frends from Central America ofter arriving in Taiwan

Developing Fund, I was received in Taipei by Doctor Julia Chow, we then travel on the fast train from Taipei to Tainan.

In Chi-Mei Medical Center I was introduced to Mr. Chien (Mr. Money) has how I told me to call him, from then on he is the one who are responsible for my training, and has my babysitter has he said when introduce me to others.

The next day, I went Back to Taipei with my professor to visit the National Palace Museum, to observe a medical expositions events, the presentation I saw has some remarks from a medical mission from Chi-Mei hospital that was in Nicaragua in 1997. ofter that I visited the 101 tower which was a great experience for me, returning the nest day Saturday from Taipei to Tainan.

The Museum

Today Monday the 13, I had my medical routine check up in the hospital, and I'm now into my learning process, I was introduce to use the Blog page created for me by my professor so I could share my experience and up load some information about my trip and share with others.Photo shot with Hsiu Ying and Julie

Presentation of Nicaragua

receiving some feedback

Gathered with members of Englesh speaking club talking about my country